What is Türkiye Card and How Does It Work?
It is a smart card system that enables easier and more economical use of public transportation services in many major cities of Turkey. This card is used on metro, bus, tram, ferry and other public transportation and is very popular for urban and intercity travel. Here is an article about what Türkiye Kart is and how it works: What is Türkiye Card? Turkey Card is a smart card system that offers its users the opportunity to pay electronically instead of cash when using public transportation services. This card is used to pay for public transportation tickets in cities and allows users to use different means of transportation with a single card. Turkey Card is used by local public transport authorities serving major cities and regions. What is Türkiye Card and How Does It Work? It is built on a very simple to use system and works as follows: Obtaining a Card: The first step is to obtain a Türkiye Card. You can obtain Türkiye Card from certain sales points or public transportation stations in the city. When you get the card, you need to top up the balance on it. Card Activation: Once you receive your card. You usually need to activate the card by touching it to a card reader or turnstile. This process makes your card ready for use. Balance Loading: In order to use the Türkiye Card, there must be sufficient balance on it. Balance loading is done at Türkiye Card sales points or automatic top-up devices. After loading the balance, your card is ready for use. Usage: To use your card, simply touch your card to a card reading device when getting on public transportation or entering the subway. Scanning the card automatically pays for the ticket and grants passage. The balance on your card decreases with each use. Transfers: You can make connecting journeys with Türkiye Card. When transferring, you must swipe your card at each transfer point. The transfer usually does not require an additional fee, but it must be done within certain periods of time.